The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Movies and Plays

This school holiday, my cousins and I have a host of movies and plays all lined up. First up was Wizard of Oz. I can't say i enjoyed the show coz the storyline was kind of depressing at times and i really don't like watching scary scenes.

Then there was High School Muscial 3 which was alright but not fabulous. There were too many teenage scenes which mommie thought were not very suitable for kids my age.

Today, we met the cousins again to watch TLC's "The Tooth Fairy". This is one of their better productions with a really hilarious storyline. It was truly enjoyable and mommie considers this money well spent. Mommie says that from now on, she shall describe all visits to candy stores, a visit to the mountain of decay.

Tonight i will be watching Madagascar 2, one of my all time favourite cartoons! I'm so looking forward to it, the music is ringing in my ears!


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