The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm a little Ballerina

When i first started my ballet lessons, i isolated myself to a corner of the studio coz i was really upset with Ah Mah, Popo and Indogal for leaveing me in a room full of strangers all on my own. All they did was to peep at me from between the windows and the blinds.

After a few lessons, i couldn't bear not to join the older jie jies coz it was so much fun watching them dance around in circles on tip toe and doing a "rainbow bridge". Now, I try to follow teacher Linda's movements and instructions As and When i feel like it (Yes, in this democratic society, children must be allowed choices too!)

Looking back, I've been in ballet class for 3 months already. Last week, a new girl joined our class. She looks about my age and have a head full of beautiful golden locks. Yippee.. i've got company and am looking forward to class on Monday!

Oppss. I gotta go now.. Mommie's calling out for me. But before i sign off, here's a picture of your's truly - Mighty Mouth - in pink leotard and doing a rainbow bridge"


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