The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Friday, December 30, 2005

My Birthday Photologue

Knowing that i'm a true blue Barney Fan, Daddie and Mommie threw me a Barney Theme Birthday Party on Christmas Day. They got me 3 huge bunches of Barney Balloons and a really cool Barney cake! To complete the theme, they even bought partywares with Barney too!

I got lots of presents but my favourites are the Barney Laptop, Barney Bedroom Slippers and the Barney Handphone (hmm.. now you know i'm not kiddin' when I say I'm Barney's No 1 fan)

To sum up the party in Barney's words.. it was "Stuuuuuupendous!"

Barney welcomes you to the Party!

Daddie and Mommie filled the house with colourful balloons and streamers.

I huff and I puff and I blew my candles out

I Love You, You Love Me, We're a Happy Family..

Uncle Dabao bought me an Eeyore for my Birthday!

Presents! Lots and Lots of them! More Barney Balloons to complete the theme
Barney gift packs for my little friends My Barney birthday cake
My Favourite Uncle Just Barney, BJ, Baby Bop and Me!


At 11:35 PM , Blogger Dominique Goh said...

What a Nice Barney B'day party you had Joey. I am also a big Barney fan. Hope to be able to meet up with you once of these days when ur mummy is free :)


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