The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Friday, September 09, 2005

Another Milestone for Mighty Mouth

After weeks of trying, I've finally succeeded in putting on a t-shirt all by my own. Yes! I did it without adult intervention or help. Ok, Ok. perhaps i didn't wear it the right side round but it's nevertheless a big achievement for a little girl of 20 months.

I wonder why mommie didn't seem too happy though... Could it be because i've stretched the colar so big, i could wear the t-shirt from my bottom up?


At 12:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geekzone RSS Readership Changes with Google Desktop
The two weeks period just after I published the blog entry " What RSS Reader People Use To Consume Geekzone Feeds " were very interesting.
It's really nice to find blogs like yours. I hope more and more people like you write a lot of stuffs you are talking about.

Broker-Dealer is a topic that is also nice to discuss. I hope you can do some Broker-Dealer related stuff.

More power to you!


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