The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Give the Khors a Boost!

Has anyone tried the fruit juice takeaway - Boost Juice- at Vivocity? It's one of the regular places we go whenever Daddie or I need a dose of fructose.

Top on my list of favourites on their menu is the Breakie-to-gogo. It's full of wholesome goodness with a blend of tropical fruits, oatmeal, milk and honey! YUM YUM!

Yesterday, Daddie and I were back at Vivocity for a breakie-to-gogo when he started his usual grumbling about how I always monopolize the drink even though we were supposed to share. Here's an excerpt of our conversation.

Grumpy old man says "Joey, we are suppose to share the drink! Besides, I'm so big and you are so small. How can you be drinking so much more than me?"

Yours truly replies "Daddie, you are so big and I am so small. If i don't drink more, how am i going to grow big like you???"

My grumpy old man was stumped. With that, i continued to enjoy the breakie-to-gogo all by myself.. yummilicious!


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