The World Thru Joey's Eyes

Hi! My name is Joey. You can call me Pudge or Mighty Mouth if you like. In this Blog, i will share with you my life experiences as a little human being. Sit back, relax and enjoy. With Love and Kisses Joey Khor

Saturday, March 08, 2008

1 week of Isolation

I've been isolated from the rest of the world for 1 whole dreadful week - no thanks to my friend's parents who continued sending my friend to school even though my friend's sibling had contracted the Hand Foot and Mouth dieseas. Naturally, my friend caught the virus and passed it on to many of the kids in school, including ME!

Although the whole experience of being down with HFMD wasn't as bad as my folks had anticipated to be, my 1 week "jail term" at home was truly agonising. I missed going to school and playing with my friends, going to the playground with Ah Kong and shopping at vivocity with Daddie and Mommie. I was deprived of my Boost Juice and Earl Swensons milkshakes for 1 whole miserable week.. ARGH!

Since i had no friends to play with during that period, i decided to entertain myself with:-

1) Playing teacher - I thought i will make good use of my time "educating" my brood of pets. Here's the class photo.

2) Playing Chef - Ok... i know you will find it digusting but i also spent a fair bit of time whipping up some great dishes with the help of fatty gramps. I made some wantons, Jelly, mango pudding and salad. Sorry no pictures, my hands were too dirty and fatty gramps ain't known for her photography skills.

3) Watching TV, DVDs - Daddie and mommie bought me a few new shows to keep me entertained. I've got Carebears (i heard that it was mommie who wanted this), Barbie's Mariposa, Disney Playhouse and Diego's magical mission.

4) Beading - Just trying my hands at being a jeweller. I hope to complete my bead necklace for mommie soon.

Yesterday, i was released from misery with the HFM virus having completed it's course on me. To celebrate my freedox we went for a nice dinner at the Free Toy restaurant (aka Ma Maison) at my request. My family absolutely loves this restaurant coz Daddie gets a free beer, mommie gets a free dessert and I get to choose a free toy from the wicker basket. After the dinner, it's customary for us to grab an ice-cream each from Azaru Sabo before we call it a day :)


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